Our Technology
BiotaX has developed deep explainable AI models based on system biology that can collect, analyze and predict multiple disease states and calculate optimal interventions supported by cutting-edge meta-genomic AI analysis.
TaxonAI- Novel deep insights Computetional Platform
BiotaX's deep explainable AI models based on system biology can predict multiple disease states and calculate optimal interventions supported by cutting-edge meta-genomic AI analysis platforms.

BiotaX is the only technology platform capable of comprehensive multi-omics solution based on microbiome and system biology. Our patented CustomBiome presents next-generation LBP production technology, which is able to isolate targeted live microbes on the strain level ( TaxonAI Output ) based either on their taxonomy or gene functional BiotaX can package these microbes as customized live biotherapeutic products (LBPs) to fight dysbiosis in a personalized and disease-specific way.
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Leadership Team

Prof. Naama Geva-Zatorsky
Co-Founder, CS
Head of the Microbiome Lab,The Technion, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion Integrated Cancer Center.Her research combining systems-biology with microbiology and immunology to study the interactions between gut microbes and the host immune system in health and disease. Her Ph.D from the Weizmann Institute, studying systems-biology of protein dynamics in cancer. Her postdoctoral was at Harvard Medical School, studying gut microbiota-host interactions
Shay Hilel
Co Founder, CEO
Serial entrepreneur with vast experience as founder, senior executive & business manager CEO and Co founder of BrainVu (Acquired in 2018 ). Head of the Alcatel Lucent Digital Multimedia Division (Was Spin-off and acquired by Nantworks in 2014 ). Shay worked both in startups and corporate organizations with a verity of hands-on technology leadership roles
Dean Light
Co Founder,CTO
A computational biology & SW architect expert focusing on complex multidisciplinary problems. Prior to BiotaX, Dean was software architect @Technion Data & Knowledge (TDK) Lab - the computer science faculty and developer team lead @Lamm lab - the department of biology , Technion.
Dean holds an M.Sc. in Biology and B.Sc. in both Mathematics and Computer Science from the Technion.
Dean is a recipient of the 2019 Sherman award for distinguished academic achievement in multidisciplinary research.